Friday, November 26, 2004

The Focus is gone with the Wind...

Or atleast gone with the certified used Honda Dealer which is dubbed Goodson Honda.

The focus has seen the last of the Potter family. A tear was had by all, but the newborn Honda civic has received a conglamerate of welcome and praise. We broke bread with the new civic at 6pm today, (see date above.) She has a beautiful, silver paint with a luxurious black, velvety interior complete with manual transmission and CRUISE CONTROL!!! Let the angelic voices of my carpal tunnel invested ankles rejoice with mass exuberance (word?>) The car has great pickup and a quiet ride. Only one flaw... a, fixable flaw, if you will. I need to replace the rear tires due to low tread... FRET NOT!!! My business major senses activated immediately. I swiftly negotiated that I would buy the car on the..."provision" and/ or.. "condition" that the dealership would replace the tires to my satisfaction. They had no chance. IT WAS AN OFFER THEY COULDN"T REFUSE MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Anyways, God has seriously answered a pray. Although I was already blessed with a car, God replaced it with something a little less...shall we say, pitiful. Thanks God! I also should give a shout out to my parents who gave me a down payment as an early Christmas present.


Thursday, November 18, 2004

Going Home...

Wow... I have been looking forward to this all semester.

Besides Labor Day, this is the only vacation Freed-Hardeman has all semester! And I had to wait 9 weeks to get it!!! What is that?

I'm so excited to go home. I get to see my physical fam and church fam all at the same time. I also get to drive mom's car too! WOOHOO, I'm sorry, but I need a break from my car. NOT A DIVORCE, just a break! I am currently experiencing my first contreversial business decision. The focus has 96,000 miles on it. By the end of this semester I will have atleast 100,000 miles because i have to make the 2,000 mile trek to Houston twice! Not only the high milage, but I also have to replace a clutch, brakes, and shocks within the next fews. It doesn't get any more major than that except for the transmission and engine to go out (save a fiery explosion due to a hole in my gas tank.) So, should I take the repair money and invest in a newer car, or should I take my chances and risk that the car will last for another 50 - 100,000 miles more? Due to extreme cheapness and restricted funds, I'm afraid I will have to take my chances with the repairs. God help me (no for real, that's a prayer!)

Have you ever almost not went to go to church because you didn't think it would be uplifting? Yeah, that was me last night. I dreaded going to church because of several things. The main reasons being that the church is 20 minutes away, I was spiritually drained, andI had a take home test and an 8 page paper due. The only reason I felt compelled to go was because I left my Bible there the sunday before and I wanted it back! So I went, and boy I'm glad I did. The lesson itself wasn't something my heart yearned for, but what happened afterward shocked me. The instructor asked us to break off into groups of 4 for prayer time! (uncommon for this part of the country) After we settled, a girl volunteered to start! Unbelieveable! We all shared our prayers for about 10 minutes and it was so good for me. Although I think the situation was still new to them and they showed a little akwardness about it afterward, it was what I needed! A breath of fresh air away from traditionalism, conservatism and closed minds and hearts. A place that was, for a moment, and haven of prayer and comfort. It changed my week! I even wondered it was divine providence that I left my bible in the first place. Praise God!


Sunday, November 14, 2004

Wow, Does time exist?...

This is what my roommates and I talked about till 2:30.

Oh yeah, we even brought Einstein's theory of relativity into this. Intense baby, yeah! Ok so here's the jist. While we were having a religious talk, a roommate made the comment that evil was created by God, (which I don't because I think evil is the absence of good - another story) - well, from there we present books that prove our points. Then in our talk about relativity, we talk about how the number zero was feared by the ancients. Right, don't ask. But then we talk about time and space. Well, in my way of reasoning, time is not a tangible item but a inherent result of measuring due to the fact that we die and revolve around the sun and on our axis. My roommates argued that time is tangible and exists, something that is there. I can't present their point...because frankly I don't believe it. Arrogant, right? I'm so closed minded... not really though. HAHA, I love my roomies.

Ok, so life, right? Nothing much going on. It was homecoming and I participated in nothing. No, I promise I am not a social reject, but I had to work Friday and Saturday. What is that? Stupid, that's what that is! Well anyways, work is actually starting to get better. We got a bigger crew so I no long have to complete multiple tasks throughout the night. No ya'll, I know I sound lazy, but ya'll just don't understand!!!

GASP!!! Only 6 days until I get to go home!!! ***insert angelic chorus!!! I am soooo glad! I can't wait to see my mom, friends and the church fam!

Besides talking about time, space, and the fears of the ancients (dumb right?) We talked about "what is life really all about?" Actually, that's what lead the discussion for about an hour. What is the meaning of life? Why did God create us? We know he wasn't lonely and that he CHOSE to create us... but why? Why keep us around for eternity? Woah, eternity... think about that one. No really, after death and you are resurrected, what will you do with the time?
Ps 119:71 - It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees... God wants someone who can understand WHY He decreed evil as evil. What better way to explain sin than to allow His creation to experience it and ask "what better way is there?" Think about it...why did God tell Hosea to marry the prostitute...why did he tell Jonah to tell Ninavah that he will forgive them if they return to the lord, even though they weren't God's people? Because he desires for us as his creation to see his point of view. It's not something he can just tell us, so he made it and experience!
We were also created for God's pleasure. His worshippers are the aroma that he desires. His people look to Him because they understand why God is the way that he is (for the most part). His worshippers desire to be like Him so much that they look to Him to be their guiding light and they are willing to totally turn their lives over to Him because they know what He represents is right and just. Desire and trust. Does that define our relationship with God?

Because of our High Priest,

Friday, November 12, 2004

Ok, so another post, right?

It's a cold, dreary, cloudy day... AND I GET TO WEAR MY RUSSIAN HAT!!! Oh but the big ole fat galapogos YES!!!

(Definition: Galapogos - in reference to the galapogos islands which bear large animals such as tortoises, birds, etc inhabit. Used in this reference, galopogos means HUGE, Extremely Big, slang: "Big Ole Stupid.")

Ya'll I feel sad for my roommate. They mutually split up and called it quits and they were fine at the time being. However, now he is quite bitter about it. I wish I knew what words to say to him, but I'm afraid I have no... experience to help out. What should words of wisdom would you share?

On a lighter note, chapel has been HORRID for the past few times. Ok, so the school has been gearing up for homecoming and the title is "Remember When." Ok, I'm liberal and I love people sharing feelings, memories, and stuff. It's good for the soul and it's stuff that God and Christ want to hear, so should we. But there's just something about getting up in front of 2000 people and sharing 'sap' stories that get to me. There was this down-right embarrassing chapel in which the marketing professor got up and cried 5 seperate times during a 25 minute talk. I think men have the right to cry, but I'll just say it, I was embarrased for the guy. I would like to revert back to the happy, screaming, menengitis shot chapel days. They make me happy!

So me personally, not too much going on. I took a Hebrews test today that I think I did farely well on. Um... I witnessed, whats the word, hill-race-car? WAIT, soapbox derby?...Is that right? Well anyways, it was right after chapel today. Over all it was, as my friend Sarah would say, anticlimatic. They raced like they never reced before at the thundering speeds of 10 mph. I had to hold my hat. And, (awe my poor social club), Psi Mu's car had been disqualified. Something about it being old, riggity, and no brakes...What's that all about anyway? So, being the kid-spirited group we are, our sponsor RAN down the side of the hill when Psi Mu was called to race. HOW GREAT! A 45 yr old, not-so in great shape guy (like myself) running at the speed of light down a hill...WITH A CAPE on and head band!!!! OMGOODNESS< you have to know this man in order to love him as much as we do!

Ok, woah, gone with the wind, much? I'm going to go now. May God bless your day, relationships, and your pets today. A cold front is abrewin'

Because of My Lord,

Friday, November 05, 2004

Another Field Trip?

Wow, I feel like a wee little school boy again!

I'm taking more field trips during my senior year of college than I did in High School! Ok, slight exaggeration, but I am about to embark on my third and final field trip of the semester. That's right UPS, move it on over because we are riding on the Federal Express!!! 'Come and ride the train and...choo cho....' um, ok, done with that. That's right, a field trip to the heart of Fed Ex in memphis. We are going to tour EVERYTHING. DC's, planes, packaging areas, Human resources. What time do we leave pray tell?

Get this, we leave at 9pm.... WHAT IS THAT!?! OH! even better, we'll get back at 3 AM!! STOP...!!!! Bunch of curfew-busters over here! Not only that, but we also get excused from all classes and chapel! UM, WOAH. Curfew-busters and chapel-skippers. God forgive us. You KNOW the administration of Freed-Hardeman is sweating it out and praying for us!

Anyways... things have been uneventful for the past while. For the first time...probably all semester... I came in after class and didn't leave the dorm at all. I wasn't feeling well and I slept like none other. Naturally, my four roommates felt the wrath when I was awaken from my slumber... but then I remember Christ and fell back asleep! When in doubt, think of Christ, right? Get a lil W.W.J.D. going on, ya heard?

Anyways, I love friends, don't you? I wanna give a shout out to the friends I've been close to over the past week! My love to Sarah, Blake, Cousin, Momma (awe, tear), Dale, Ann Marie, James, Eric, church fam at skyline...etc etc. Alright, well chapel is about to start...

Remember that your most effective ministry will come out of your deepest hurts. Ps 119:71, it was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees. It's not enough for God to tell us what is right and wrong. We'll just forget, but when you actually live out the hurt, you'll have a perspective and point of reference that'll never die. Make the best of hurts. It's hard to do it at that moment, but if you'll make the commitment and investment, the dividends will pay off greatly (business major,...right?)

Because of the High Priest,

Monday, November 01, 2004

Wow it is hot...

No for real, I am on fire!!!!!

Stop, drop, and roll right? (doesn't work in hell by the way - Pentecostal sign) My roomates have performed a coux!(sp?), insubordination!, mutiny!, sin!... against me!!!! They have determined that I have abused my control over the thermostat to the AC in our room, thus they have decreed to make sure it stays above 80 degrees in here.... I'm dying you hear me?

Ho hum, college life is uneventful, but friends make it worthwhile. Pedro is cool, he is my fish. He waves a fin at everyone! Ya'll I hate work. Like really, Pizza Hut makes my day sad...THUS I am going to find a new employer for next semester because it is too late to find someone to employee just for four more weeks. GASP!!! wha..uh...yeah, only four more weeks. What in the world? I can't believe the semester is coming to a close. As I look back I can't believe how long the semester has been. As I reflect on the semester, it has been really easy as far as projects, etc go. I have had some break downs about getting good grades, but dust it off and try again, right?

So last night was Halloween right? A bunch of guys decide to go to the graveyard to see if they can bust a bunch of devil worshippers out there. Well anyways, we took 3 car-loads out there for safety, but alas, all was for not. No worshippers were found, and things really didn't get that creepy because there were 20 of us. If ya'll ever come to Henderson, you have to go to this graveyard with only 3 or 4 people because I promise it'll give you the chills. I think of 'night of the living dead' everytime I go...but that's a cheesy movie, so sometimes I laugh when i think about it. So on our way back, we pass by Leon Johnson Funeral Home and ya'll, the sign out in the front yard said "Mr. Neal Conner - Incomplete" I have no idea what that's suppose to mean.

May God bless you with an awesome week this week. Find a little bit of God in something! It'll change your perspective.

Because of Christ,