Thursday, November 13, 2008

Next Phase

"There was such a serenity that surrounded you, like you had all of the answers.... but then I realized that you were just as confused as the rest of us. You had just accepted your confusion."
- Major Kira, Deep Space Nine
Yeah, yeah, so I faulted back to my Star Trek geekness. My addicition has subsided, but I still have the craving every so often. But I like this quote! Often times we as people can be paralized by confusion. Seeking answers can throw us into a choatic spin zone causing us to second guess our every move. Should I persue a graduate degree? Do I need to move to another city? I really want to stay where I am. Maybe I should move closer to home. Maybe God is wanting me to apply to another Grad School. Am I ever going to get married? Am I even marriage material? BLARG!!!!!! (Rae Ann's Word). I guess it's there's not much Irony in finding the verse I found this morning.
"I tell you to believe that you have already received he things you ask for in prayer, and God will give them to you..." mark 11:24
I remember saying this before "God wants us to take iniative." Ofcourse saying it was only half the battle. I think somewhere along my walk with God I started to lag behind; still holding his hand mind you, but lagging behind. I wanted Him to drag me and make decisions, but I discovered that waiting doesn't cause God to work any harder or faster. He will bless the ground I walk on, but only when I choose to make the next step.
Bewilderment. Accepting it is going to be more challanging that I want it to be.


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