Sunday, November 14, 2004

Wow, Does time exist?...

This is what my roommates and I talked about till 2:30.

Oh yeah, we even brought Einstein's theory of relativity into this. Intense baby, yeah! Ok so here's the jist. While we were having a religious talk, a roommate made the comment that evil was created by God, (which I don't because I think evil is the absence of good - another story) - well, from there we present books that prove our points. Then in our talk about relativity, we talk about how the number zero was feared by the ancients. Right, don't ask. But then we talk about time and space. Well, in my way of reasoning, time is not a tangible item but a inherent result of measuring due to the fact that we die and revolve around the sun and on our axis. My roommates argued that time is tangible and exists, something that is there. I can't present their point...because frankly I don't believe it. Arrogant, right? I'm so closed minded... not really though. HAHA, I love my roomies.

Ok, so life, right? Nothing much going on. It was homecoming and I participated in nothing. No, I promise I am not a social reject, but I had to work Friday and Saturday. What is that? Stupid, that's what that is! Well anyways, work is actually starting to get better. We got a bigger crew so I no long have to complete multiple tasks throughout the night. No ya'll, I know I sound lazy, but ya'll just don't understand!!!

GASP!!! Only 6 days until I get to go home!!! ***insert angelic chorus!!! I am soooo glad! I can't wait to see my mom, friends and the church fam!

Besides talking about time, space, and the fears of the ancients (dumb right?) We talked about "what is life really all about?" Actually, that's what lead the discussion for about an hour. What is the meaning of life? Why did God create us? We know he wasn't lonely and that he CHOSE to create us... but why? Why keep us around for eternity? Woah, eternity... think about that one. No really, after death and you are resurrected, what will you do with the time?
Ps 119:71 - It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees... God wants someone who can understand WHY He decreed evil as evil. What better way to explain sin than to allow His creation to experience it and ask "what better way is there?" Think about it...why did God tell Hosea to marry the prostitute...why did he tell Jonah to tell Ninavah that he will forgive them if they return to the lord, even though they weren't God's people? Because he desires for us as his creation to see his point of view. It's not something he can just tell us, so he made it and experience!
We were also created for God's pleasure. His worshippers are the aroma that he desires. His people look to Him because they understand why God is the way that he is (for the most part). His worshippers desire to be like Him so much that they look to Him to be their guiding light and they are willing to totally turn their lives over to Him because they know what He represents is right and just. Desire and trust. Does that define our relationship with God?

Because of our High Priest,


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