Friday, November 14, 2008


I pray that your Spirit breathe through us this weekend. Your wisdom is never ending. We delight in your Word and I look forward to seeing you act during every encounter we have with You. Protect us. Teach us. Let us walk in the Light as you are in the Light so that we do not stumble.

Protect our nation. Comfort and direct our new President. Counsel our leaders and show them the way we need to go. Bless each person who reads today and listen to their prayers. When they call out to you, draw closer. You are the God of comfort and understanding. You've been there and done that.

Yours because of your Grace.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Next Phase

"There was such a serenity that surrounded you, like you had all of the answers.... but then I realized that you were just as confused as the rest of us. You had just accepted your confusion."
- Major Kira, Deep Space Nine
Yeah, yeah, so I faulted back to my Star Trek geekness. My addicition has subsided, but I still have the craving every so often. But I like this quote! Often times we as people can be paralized by confusion. Seeking answers can throw us into a choatic spin zone causing us to second guess our every move. Should I persue a graduate degree? Do I need to move to another city? I really want to stay where I am. Maybe I should move closer to home. Maybe God is wanting me to apply to another Grad School. Am I ever going to get married? Am I even marriage material? BLARG!!!!!! (Rae Ann's Word). I guess it's there's not much Irony in finding the verse I found this morning.
"I tell you to believe that you have already received he things you ask for in prayer, and God will give them to you..." mark 11:24
I remember saying this before "God wants us to take iniative." Ofcourse saying it was only half the battle. I think somewhere along my walk with God I started to lag behind; still holding his hand mind you, but lagging behind. I wanted Him to drag me and make decisions, but I discovered that waiting doesn't cause God to work any harder or faster. He will bless the ground I walk on, but only when I choose to make the next step.
Bewilderment. Accepting it is going to be more challanging that I want it to be.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It Still Works

March 2007!!!! One would have imagined that I've stumbled into the abyss of mass despair and agony for not have written something in such a long period of time. The truth is, I've forgotten all about my blogger buddy. The last time I wrote, I was still leashed to the cubical which was my job, but alas I have broken free.

In October 2007, I graciously accepted a position as Asst General Manager of the Hampton Inn Texas City. It was a roller coaster but Oct 29 2008 made a whole year.... until I was laid off 2 days later. Hurricane Ike, in all of it's frivelous glory stripped my hotel of it's roof whilst we occupied her causing us to scurry about finding refuge in the most gracious bosom of the local Marriott. The Hampton was scheduled to open next April, but unforunately with no profits comes no paycheck for me, so I was booted.

No worries though, I never doubted the mysterious plans which are God's. Six years ago, I entrusted my life to Him and he has taken me on a interesting journey to many fabulous places over the years. If it weren't for Him, then I would have not befriended such marvelous companions as Nolan and Bethany. Who could forget my contengiously beautiful blonde flower Sarah Tunstall or my obssesively addicted to Georgia sports team ex-roomate Justin Dale. I would have never mooched off of the Nelsons or made friends with the Alvin Youth Group.

It's hard to believe the changes I've gone through over the last 4 blog years. I've forgotten how writing attributed to my insanely impressive vocabulary. Staying behind corporate America's walls has seriously dampened my creative linguistic ability. I've become enslaved to such terms as "my pleasure" and "absolutely" and "credit or debit." GASP!!!! No More.

I re-new my vow of finding the jovial and heart-wrenching attributes of life which make life worth living. And maybe if I finally improve the vocab, I can finally pass that God-forsaken GRE test and get into grad school. GRE for dummies ain't what it's cracked up to be!

VOD - Trust in God; A troubled heart isn't worth it. John 14:1