Saturday, October 22, 2005

Great Job, Great Team, Great Concert, Great God...

That would be the summary of the past week.

What can I say, it's been a blessed week. I'm happy, the city's happy, Roy Oswalt is happy, and the rat terrier is happy... all is at peace in my world.

I love the job and the co's (workers) got me hooked on the Astros. They're a wild pack. Like, everyday is designated Astros day. Jerseys are worn...foam finger full fledged...and large 10 gallon foam hats are worn. The Astros spirit dwell in the vault for sho!

I'm watching the first game of the World Series with Valerie the cuz. She's cool. Kinda bilegerant at times.

Did you know that Boston Terriers don't know how to bark unless they are in the prescence of other dogs?

Make sure to keep Chalmette (and New Orleans area) in your prayers. I've spent a couple of weekends out that way with a relief team and friends. It's amazing seeing the blessings and huge changes in lifestyles taking shape. While I see the Love of God shining through the relief teams in storm shelters and in the frontlines, I see the frustration and despair in in my friends who have to buy everything back.... including homes. For the next few weeks, families will live out of hotel rooms and make shift campers but the recurring theme that prevails is that everything lost were "just things." God love and bless those who lost more than that.

The college ministry is starting sunday night small groups. I pray that God's prescence will dwell in our group and bless the hearts and lives of those whom we minister too.

During my lunch break I'm reading through two books alternately. "Twelve Ordinary Men" by McArthur and "Jeremiah" by...well, God, right? I appreciated Jeremiah because I got to read about God's intense love for his people, but their disinterest in Him. I enjoy Twelve Ordinary Men because the insight that John McArthur provides about the Twelve and Christ spawn new insights everyday. For instance, McArthur describes Jesus as being "perapatetic." In context, this means that Jesus taught as He walked along with his disciples. Jesus didn't wait for Sundays or Wednesdays to teach... he talked and taught in some of the blandest settings. For instance, there was one time Jesus was walking through a grain field on his way to some destination and told a parable regarding the spiritual harvest involving wheat and grain. Christ saw the value in presenting lessons using their present though it were an ancient visual aid.

Please pray for a friend of mine who experiencing a lot of pain and shock right now. I am choosing not to say her name and keep her name confidential, but God knows whom you'll be talking about. She is being faced with a failed marriage. I spent some time encouraging, praying and sharing scripture with her, but she is going to be faced with some very serious decisions over the next...well, a long while. She is a new believer and still has maintained faith in God. In some ways, her current situation is promoting, excercising, and maybe even stregthening that faith. Thanks for lifting her up!

I hope things are going well with you. You should leave a note O' love. It'll be fun!

Because of our Lord, who's wants you to come home with him,