Monday, April 25, 2005

Jacked Laundry detergent and Japanese speaking video games...

Those are the current events.

You know, just when I thought leaving my laundry detergent in the laundry room for a few hours would be ok, I return to an empty carcass in the trashcan. Someone jacked it...ALL of it. We're talking half a container! IM APPALED!

Oh, my roommate is playing some dumb fighting xbox game that can't speak english. All it says in English is "k.o" and "weiner" (winner) in some annoying cheerleader, foreignish accent. What a nerd. Almost as bad as a Star Wars nerd.

So, the semester is slowly winding down. I have to find 2 hrs community service to do by Wednesday for Business ethics and I have to write a 30 page Annual report with my business policy group.

But on the flip side, I discovered a pretty cool potential job opportunity! Some guy told me about signing on as a store manager for Walgreens. Hey, before you judge me, they make pretty good start pay. There is four levels of training for a store manager in which the first level starts pay at $13.40 an hour. There is a raise for every level accomplished. Woah... I'll sign up for that. Right now, the appearant plan is to send out resumes to hotels in the Houston area. Then I'll find alternative source to go to such as Retail stores and Walgreenish stores. Pray with me that God will land me in a good spot!

Hey, you should leave a comment. It's good for your fingers.


Saturday, April 23, 2005

No Direction

So, where do I go now?

I graduate in 3 weeks... May 14th. I'll publish a list of exceptable gifts soon, no need to worry.
Mom has signed the contracts, reviewed possible housing, approached the board of directors, submitted the drug test (and passed, phew), and recieved her security clearance. She is officially employed in New Orleans, LA. For the first time ever, she has the priviledge of working for a company willing to pitch 4000 bucks to move her 6 hours east back to the Big Easy. As for me, I am saddened. One of the huge perks of moving back to Houston was being close to my matriarch...that is no longer possible. I have many friends and potential jobs in Houston and I'll have no problem settling there. However, the question has popped up in my head... what am I going to do with my life. Freed-Hardeman has been a life changing experience (not in the way I hoped, but none-the-less, I'm a different person.) I'm not necessarily tied down to Houston, although it seems to be the most desireable place to be for the time being. What's God going to do with me? No, really God...that was a legitimate question. Ok, I'll wait.

So anyways, nothing really new to talk about. Chapel hasn't be very entertaining...nor spiritual really. Mainly just people making appearances on stage. Nothing profound. Quite often friends and foes alike ask me what I think about chapel programs. Quite often, I respond "I don't know." I don't place too much attention to them... unless something outrageous Titanic firedrills or Menengitis panics. Every once in a while, a religious talk will find its way into chapel... but it usually is doused with cliche lessons and predictable conclusions.

Its the last semester of school...and boy does it feel like it. Exit exams, Projects, book reviews, research papers, powerpoint presentations, stupid retarded "Do you like Freed-Hardeman" surveys to fill out in order to walk across stage, stained suits in OK, underpaid jobs, over loaded schedules, overwhelming classes, over paying tuition, bills piling up, sloppy roomates, atleast 2 quizzes a week, homework everynight, social-life building, reviewing moving terms with parents, seeking out future jobs, searching apartments,.... sometimes, being unhappy seems so easy. Hold on there Jim... I think Rick Warren was right when he said trying to fulfill life's purpose isn't about fitting more into life, but actually taking the unnecesary filler out. I have a lot of filler. It'll be nice to get out of school and get some breathing room. It is good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn His decrees. Hey, the poster is right. That is a good meditative phrase. Alright, tomorrow's is an early day. Maybe I'll finish that 300 page book tomorrow just in time for the paper. Cousin, much love and hope and best wishes and chocolate chip cookies for the exegesis due in the upcoming days... I'll look that word up in the dictionary. Oh, Deanna, a shout out to you too.

Because of our Lord who finds time for me,

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Lo, for my loins are full of inflammation...

Thanks King David... Ps 38:7

The weeks grow hectic as the semester comes to a close.
Motivation is harder to come by and I often doze.
I groan when the clock chimes, yet I celebrate and throw massive feasts when it's time to go to bed!
Projects herd and crouch at my door that I dare not open.
My roommates are sloppy, yet somehow make me smile around the Xbox.
ERISA is hard to learn about. I just had a test on it in Organizational Rewards and Compensation class. I am saddened.
Bible classes bring hope and new learning. I smile and leap gleefully.
I love my cousins...especially Mandy. She makes me boxes and cds...that, appearantly sway my love.
Deanna is a new friend. It's easy to have fun around her.
My church family is a blessing. I can't wait to see them again.
This poemesk-like extended haiku no longer rhyms.
My dog is old... she may die soon
It has been raining for days. Its a day of mourning.
Graduation is May 14... It is a day reckoning... much like the day of our Lord... but less glamorous.
Danielle is my friend. Her smiles have grown few. Perk up sunflower....Perk up!
Be like King David... He knew God
Yesterday was a good day. I was treated to a free steak meal at Outback by the sponsor of the recording crew for Makin' Music.
My mom yearns for a job in New Orleans. She seeks God's counsel about that.
Cousin Jerry maybe purchasing a car soon.
Caralon has a great heart. I enjoy her company.
Valerie and I eat What-a-burger too much. They have good shakes.

No discipline seems to be joyful for the present, but painful. After it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have trained by it.

God is in the 'Ex Nihilo' creation business... out of nothing. God makes universes out of nothing. God makes flesh out of nothing. God makes His children out of nothing. We create love for Him, but that is not Ex Nihilo. He's given us His love to work with.

God loves symbols. Symbols are images that bear a thousand words. The Old Testament in and of itself is one big symbol. The New Testament in and if itself emphasizes one big symbol.

God is constant. God brings peace. God consists of Agape.
God loves obedience. Obedience creates insight. Insight leads to understanding.

Thoughts can be random.

Because of the Firstborn,

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Stomach Viruses and Makin' Music Wins...

It has been to incredibly long since my last post!

Omgoodness... I just realized how much I have to catch up? Ugh, I don't know if I can make it thorugh this. Ok, Here we go.

Stream in the Desert was last weekend. I left Freed Wednesday to go to LR. I stayed with my beloved friends Nol and Bethany. Thurs, I flew out to make it to Midland, TX. My flight was delayed and I didn't approach the hotel until about 11:30 pm. I stayed in my cousins room. They love me. I reciprocate that love! Friday morning, Mike Cope put on an amazing Leadership convention. I loved the Leaky cup lesson... I was like, um, woah! I need that cd. Friday night was nice. Saturday, we spent time in the auditorium lifting up God and spending time together as a national church family. The afternoon was fun due to the comedian Tim Watkins. I love him. he should have kids. I would go into more detail...but uh, it's 2am.

I came home and had a hectic week with Mgmt Acct. I'm scared im going to fail that class and not graduate. Be prayerful... So Makin Music was this week and I had the awesome opportunity of being part of the recording staff who makes the dvds and vcrs. I was part of something creative, gotta love it! Well, thurs I appeared to have contracted a stomach virus. I left work early thurs and proceed to lose my groceries out every end possible. I went to the hospital friday when i felt woozy. The doctor informed me that I had either 24 hour and/or 48 hour stomach virus. Only time would tell which I had. Thanks doc. Well, after popping pills and sipping on gatorade (Woah, do I detect a polka song in the making?) I slept for 20 hours and felt refreshed this morning at 9am. I recorded some more of Makin Music with the DVD crew, I worked overtime at Pizza Hut, and I now I am going to sleep. Oh, Xi Chi Delta got first place, Phi Kappa got second, and Sigma Rho got third... Eh, you don't care.
I love you guys. Hey, talk to God now. He's a cool cat. I love Him a lot.

Because of our Prince who brings Peace,