Monday, June 03, 2019

Eleven Years

Almost eleven years has passed since my last post. My, how so much has changed in such a seemingly short period of time.

2009 - God led me to a job at Hellier, after wondering from Dallas, Florida and back. Bought my Honda Fit.
2010 - Met the love of my life, Debbie Abrahamson.
2011 - Engaged and Married the love of my life, now Debbie Potter.
2012 - One Bedroom apartment at Legacy Park Drive.  I uncovered a 15 year addiction which was very hard on my marriage. We committed to each other and pressed forward. We attended Lakewood for 8 wonderful months.
2013 - Long road to recovery, begin my life of Freedom. Phinneas becomes part of our family.
2014 - Summit Church Young Adults. Moving from apartment to apartment to Mom's House.
2015 - Move to Jacksonville, FL. Start job with St. John's Country Day School.
2016 - Buy our first house, 6383 Lake Plantation Drive, Jacksonville Fl.
2017 - Become Technology Manager at SJCDS (really, Director of Technology).
2018 - Move to Quincy Florida. Hurricane Michael. Sell Jacksonville House. Buy Lake Tallavana House. Director of Technology and Advancement at Robert F. Munroe Day School.

Now to 2019.
Up until now, life had been full of adventure. Now that I look back, every year had a substantial life change, it's tiring just to look at it. But God gave us the strength and guidance to make it through.

This year was a tough start. After we rang in the new year, my dad was able to break free of work and drive down from Tulsa to see us. January 10, he was involved in a critical accident. He made it to the emergency room and we were able to see him after some life saving surgeries. We spoke briefly and then we went home preparing for what we thought was a long road to recovery. January 11, he succumbed to his injuries and left to be with the Lord. Losing a parent is such a unique experience. The grief is inexplicable and comes from a place I cannot explain. I've spent many weeks reliving the old days. I've spent just as much time mourning the future we would no longer have on this earth. I'm sad that his unborn grandchildren will not meet him. I'm sad that I won't get to enjoy his strange, Arkansas humor. I'm sad that I won't be able to hear him joke with my mom and make her laugh like no one can. Five months later, I'm able to accept his death and move forward knowing that he's in a better place. His staying here would only

It just occurred to me I haven't written down the story any where, so perhaps I should do it here as a record for me to remember:

Early January, Dad and I had planned for him to visit our new house in Havana and to see the family. We haven't spoken for almost a year and I had the feeling he wanted to catch up on things. January 8th, he told me he was going home and start down the following day. January 10, he left Memphis and started his route down through Mississippi and then to our house. We texted and spoke a few times. The last time he called, he was an hour away and would be here at 9pm. 9pm came and when he didn't show, I immediately felt in my spirit something was wrong. I even said it out loud to my wife and mom. I called and it would just ring and go to voicemail. He had signal and was getting calls. I called a few more times with no success.
Around 11:00pm, Debbie gets a call from an unidentified Georgia number through her iPad. A strange occurrence. She showed it to me and I told her to answer it, I bet it had something to do with Dad. Sure enough, it was a state trooper asking if she know a Jeremy Potter. She put me on the phone and the trooper confirmed that dad was in an accident and he was being transported to Grady Hospital in Thomasville. He was in critical condition although he survived. We jumped in the car and made the 45 minute drive to the hospital. We waited in the ER for about 2 hours before the surgeon came out. There was a long list of issues, the major one being his spleen that had to be removed. The doctor noticed that his heart and liver were in poor condition and said it wasn't going to be a long road for his recovery. A few moments later, he was moved into a room and we got to visit him. He was in and out of consciousness and heavily sedated. He was able to recognize us and we walked over to him and said a few words. We sat on a couch in the room for about 30 minutes and watched him sleep. After assurances he was stable, we decided to drive home that night and return to the hospital another day. We exchanged "I love yous" before we left.
Mom left to go to the hospital the next day. She didn't want the nurses or doctors to "take advantage of him", lol, but we decided to hang back and give dad some recovery time. Mom said she played some Acappella worship music for him that seemed to put him at ease. In the afternoon, mom called frantic saying that Dad woke up abruptly, tried to pull the tubes off him and said "I need to get out of here." Soon after, he began to flatline. Nurses rushed in, asked mom to leave and began resuscitation. The doctor soon came in while were on a call and said he's no longer stable. His heart beat would return temporarily and then cease, even while we were speaking. He asked the tough question, "Do you want us to keep resuscitation?" For the first time, I felt like someone's life was in my hands and I didn't know what to do. I asked his opinion and it was as if his answer was God's voice speaking to me. He said that if it were his Dad, he would take it as God's will and let him go home. With Debbie by my side and Mom's agreement over the phone, that is what we decided to do. Immediately, I was stricken with an immense grief and I couldn't speak. My Dad's life, on this earth, was finally over.
I took a week off week to process everything going on and to put Dad's final affairs in order. Thankfully, his car insurance covered the funeral expenses and paid some of the medical bills. Unfortunately, the insurance policy he carried for over 30 years lapsed just a couple months before he died so Mom didn't get to see that money. We decided to have the funeral in Tulsa since that was closest to most of his family and friends. Dad had just enough money in his account to pay our way there so it was a nice trip on him. I knew that would make him happy. The funeral was better than I could have hoped. Dad kept his life pretty private from me, so I wasn't sure who would actually be at the funeral, if any one. To my immense comfort, it was a full room. Many of the people were from his life-long church, The Journey (formerly Garnett Road Church of Christ), but there were people from all points in his life, including Bob Swaggert who introduced my grandparents to church and ultimately Christ. His interaction in my family's life sowed seeds for generations. Other life-long friends were there - The Jones, Fords, etc. And of course, family.

Funerals often remind us to remember the past, appreciate the present and anticipate the future. I'm reminded how invigorating the last 11 years writing this post. It's easy to short-sight the past and believe it was wasted if not carefully remembered. Thank you Lord for this adventure you've carried us through!

Friday, November 14, 2008


I pray that your Spirit breathe through us this weekend. Your wisdom is never ending. We delight in your Word and I look forward to seeing you act during every encounter we have with You. Protect us. Teach us. Let us walk in the Light as you are in the Light so that we do not stumble.

Protect our nation. Comfort and direct our new President. Counsel our leaders and show them the way we need to go. Bless each person who reads today and listen to their prayers. When they call out to you, draw closer. You are the God of comfort and understanding. You've been there and done that.

Yours because of your Grace.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Next Phase

"There was such a serenity that surrounded you, like you had all of the answers.... but then I realized that you were just as confused as the rest of us. You had just accepted your confusion."
- Major Kira, Deep Space Nine
Yeah, yeah, so I faulted back to my Star Trek geekness. My addicition has subsided, but I still have the craving every so often. But I like this quote! Often times we as people can be paralized by confusion. Seeking answers can throw us into a choatic spin zone causing us to second guess our every move. Should I persue a graduate degree? Do I need to move to another city? I really want to stay where I am. Maybe I should move closer to home. Maybe God is wanting me to apply to another Grad School. Am I ever going to get married? Am I even marriage material? BLARG!!!!!! (Rae Ann's Word). I guess it's there's not much Irony in finding the verse I found this morning.
"I tell you to believe that you have already received he things you ask for in prayer, and God will give them to you..." mark 11:24
I remember saying this before "God wants us to take iniative." Ofcourse saying it was only half the battle. I think somewhere along my walk with God I started to lag behind; still holding his hand mind you, but lagging behind. I wanted Him to drag me and make decisions, but I discovered that waiting doesn't cause God to work any harder or faster. He will bless the ground I walk on, but only when I choose to make the next step.
Bewilderment. Accepting it is going to be more challanging that I want it to be.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It Still Works

March 2007!!!! One would have imagined that I've stumbled into the abyss of mass despair and agony for not have written something in such a long period of time. The truth is, I've forgotten all about my blogger buddy. The last time I wrote, I was still leashed to the cubical which was my job, but alas I have broken free.

In October 2007, I graciously accepted a position as Asst General Manager of the Hampton Inn Texas City. It was a roller coaster but Oct 29 2008 made a whole year.... until I was laid off 2 days later. Hurricane Ike, in all of it's frivelous glory stripped my hotel of it's roof whilst we occupied her causing us to scurry about finding refuge in the most gracious bosom of the local Marriott. The Hampton was scheduled to open next April, but unforunately with no profits comes no paycheck for me, so I was booted.

No worries though, I never doubted the mysterious plans which are God's. Six years ago, I entrusted my life to Him and he has taken me on a interesting journey to many fabulous places over the years. If it weren't for Him, then I would have not befriended such marvelous companions as Nolan and Bethany. Who could forget my contengiously beautiful blonde flower Sarah Tunstall or my obssesively addicted to Georgia sports team ex-roomate Justin Dale. I would have never mooched off of the Nelsons or made friends with the Alvin Youth Group.

It's hard to believe the changes I've gone through over the last 4 blog years. I've forgotten how writing attributed to my insanely impressive vocabulary. Staying behind corporate America's walls has seriously dampened my creative linguistic ability. I've become enslaved to such terms as "my pleasure" and "absolutely" and "credit or debit." GASP!!!! No More.

I re-new my vow of finding the jovial and heart-wrenching attributes of life which make life worth living. And maybe if I finally improve the vocab, I can finally pass that God-forsaken GRE test and get into grad school. GRE for dummies ain't what it's cracked up to be!

VOD - Trust in God; A troubled heart isn't worth it. John 14:1

Thursday, March 22, 2007

They're gone...

My pearly whites in the depths of my mouth. The wisdoms have vanished.

My mouth had been something sore over the last few days. I've actually have been a little anxious because I'm still waiting to see of there is any permanent nerve damage to be found. You see, I am officially deamed as a bearer of siamese wisdom teeth. That's right buddy, I'm a freak, a mutant, but not as cool as the ninja turtles. As I laid sumberly a sleep in the womb many years ago, my wisdom tooth gene on the right side of my mouth got lost and decided to shack up with my left wisdom tooth. They were happy for awhile, but as nature would have it, an ulcer formed due to their domestic struggle over jaw space, thus their removal proved mandatory. The siamese wisdom teeth synergized to produce a really long root which was dangerously close to a crucial nerve. Being that close, the doctor is not sure if the extraction messed with anything or not. Hopefully we'll find out Tuesday for my return visit. For now I lay happy with vikadin by my side along with the koolaid single squeezer things. It's a good life with a good company that pays for sick days.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


I love zoe. Not like the little benevolent feeling of a young child running after a puppy, but something close I suppose. The conference was amazing! There is nothing like exhausting worship, listening to gifted speakers, and contemplating new ideas for worship back at home. I even lost self-control and bought all of the Zoe songs and song books. What can I say? I'm a sucker.

Jeff Wallin has always been a spiritual hero for me. My earliest encounter with him was back in my pre-pubescent years in Bible class. I use to watch him in plays on the CTV videos and was captivated by his unconventional teaching methods. This past weekend, I couldn't even turn my eyes to the clock to see what time it was. I didn't want it to be over. To listen to Jeff explain our role as Christians is like hearing about Christ all over again.

His series began addressing our desire and hunger of drawing closer to God. We try to find methods and excercises that create a fresh connection only to be disappointed or lose the spark that will lead us to finding other ways to encounter God. "You proabably even came to this conference in hopes that God will be drawn closer to you," he said. He was right. He reminded me that God had been riding with me the whole 11 hours to Lubbock for my encounter with God. God is always there, but he only is acknowledged when we are ready to acknowledge him.
If the whole Bible could be summarized into one, reader's digest word it would be "closer." Starting with the garden of Eden itself, man has always yearned to be closer to God... even to the point of being God-like. That was the temptation wasn't it? Eat this and you will be like God. They were literally in paradise, but they were pulled in to the temptation of coming to God on a new level. Why did Adam and eve do it? They were in perfection. They didn't have to worry about food. There were no job interviews to prepare for or stress over. Clothing selections were already taken care of. Adam didn't have to worry if he married the right women or not. There's only one! They were in the prescence of God. He walked by them almost daily. They still wanted to be closer.

We overviewed other stories. Just after the flood, the people were commanded by God to spread out and populate the earth, but instead they gathered closer together and plotted a device that would raise them closer to God. It took years and lots of planning, but a tower was in development. God come closer, but not the way the people had hoped. He gave them the gift of tongues. One man said pass me the hammer and the other said "no habla espanol." Utter confusion. Ultimately, God got what he wanted and scattered them himself.
Jeff's randition of the Israelites is the best. Here are a people who were suckered into capitivity and spent years complaining and whining and eventually got what they wanted. God said "You are my people, let's go." They said "How will we get there?" God said "Follow my cloud." They said but what about at night, we can't see it. "Then I will give you a pillar of fire." "Are we there yet?" "No, just a little longer." "We're hungry" "Ok I will throw manna from the sky, that way all you have to do is fall down face first and chew it." "But we want meat." "Ok. then I will send Quail through the camp and all you have to do is open your tent flap and they will run in until you close it again -Israelite hunting!" You see now why they are called "the children of Israel"
At the mountain of Sinai, God called Moses to the top of the mountain and said no one should some much as touch the mountain during the meeting or it will die. What was it that God had to tell Moses on top of the mountain? "Well there was thou shalt not kill, no other gods..." NO NO NO. There was something more. Someone new is moving into the neighborhood... and it was God. God was going to come down to the very center of the community. His Spirit was to confine itself into one room contained by veils that only one man can enter one day a year. Women and children would pass by the temple daily telling themselves that they would NEVER have the priviledge of seeing or entering behind the veil that the community surrounded. But little did they know that was not true and that the veil would come down and the Spirit would drive itself even closer than the veiled room.

I didn't have the opportunity to listen to all of Jeff's lessons, but the last one I heard was one that captivated me more than any lesson heard before. The story began with a man and a women who were having twins. One named "Heal" and the other named "Red", nicknamed "Hairy." During their birth Hairy was breeching the womb, the Heal grabbed the heal of first born and yanked him back into the womb so that he could make his grand entrance first. Unfortunately for the Heal, his parents already wrapped a string around Hairy's wrist to mark him as the true first born. As the two grew up together, the Heal lusted after Hairy's status as the first. You see, the Heal liked to be in control. He like having things go his way when he wants to happen. The Heal appearantly was a really good cook and used that trait to his advantage. One day, after Hairy spent a long day of hunting, the Heal went into action and offered a meal to his older brother. "Hey hairy! Hungry?" Hairy wasn't the brightest bulb of the christmas light string. He perhaps was even one fry short of a happy meal. Hairy smelled the food and wanted it baaad. "You can have till your fills content... oh yeah, for the measley cost of your birthright." You can see the hampster wheel falling from its hinges. "Uhhhhh. OK." That verabl agreement wasn't enough though. The Heal had to ensure the blessing that he wanted, so with his mother's help, he had to get...well, hairy, and trick his father into giving him the blessing. That very deception earned the Heal over 20 years of anguish and what seemed to be non-blessing. The Heal fear Hairy and ran fast and far.

That's when Heal met Laban the used car dealer. *cue jewish accent "Ahhhh, I've got a deal for you! You can get this beautiful model for just 7 years of payment." However, on the wedding night, Heal musta mad a LOT o' wine and woke up beside Leah... which in Hebrew means "weak in the eyes." Actually, if you ask a Rabbi, it would be better translated as "hard on the eyes." Heal married a dog, baby. Laban simply offered the best solution that suited him. Work another seven years and get what you want.

Is was just a few years after Heal's marriage to the 14year prize that he knew he needed to face the music and return to Hariy and make things right. Upon his return, he got cold feet. It was suddenly a good idea to send grovelers ahead of him, so he sent servants. Next, he sent his people. Next his family. He was working it man, everyone he sent would say "please don't kill 'im, he's incredibly sorry." Finally, there was one night after he sent his family ahead to Hairy, he stood alone at night... and was jumped. Heal was jumped, and not by just anyone, but God himself. Interestingly enough, Heal didn't know it at the time but he wasn't giving up on the biggest Smackdown session in history. He actually evenly matched the stranger and would not let go. It come to the point where the stranger had to cripple Heal's hip before he could overtake Heal. How a man could ever take on God is beyond any man.

Heal struggled with God and would not let go. He clutched to God and had one of the hardest fights of his life, but would not let go. He did not let go. Because Heal did not let go, EVERYTHING changed, even his name. He became Israel. Heal walked away from that night a totally changed man, but not unscathed. You see, Heal survived the night a new man, but he limped away. I always thought that Heal was healed from that hip displacement. But this was an injury that would serve as a reminder for a lifetime. Each time a pain shot up from his gimp hip, he be reminded of that night.

A man who walked away with a limp. Kinda lies in the face of some popular Christian beliefs right? Why did God have to communicate this point to Heal this way? Why couldn't God simply and gently send a copy of "footprints" floating down for Heal to read and reflective over. God wasn't concerned about footprints in the sand but he certainly gave Heal buttprints in the dirt. If we expect an enounter with God, we invite a smackdown event.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

I Will Tell Your Name

Roland Allen tells of a veteran missionary who came up to him one day after he hd delivered his sermon. The missionary introduced himself and said “I was a medic missionary many years in India and I served in a region where there was a epidemic of progressive blindness. People were born with healthy eyesight, but there was something in that area that causes people to lose their sight as they matured.”

But this missionary had developed a process which would arrest or prevent the progressive blindness. So people came to him and he performed his operation. After receiving this “miracle” operation, the left realizing that they had been spared a life of blindness because of what this missionary did.
He said that the never said “Thank you.” There wasn’t such a word in their dialect. Instead, they spoke a word that meant “I will tell your name.” Where they went, they would tell the name of the missionary who had cured their blindness. They had received something so wonderful that they eagerly proclaimed it.

Communion is also a time of proclamation. At this table we proclaim the most important even in human history; the event that saves us from a life of spiritual blindness. And when we take these elements; the bread and the wine, we say together that “we will tell His name and proclaim our gratitude for being saved from sin.

1 Cor 11:25-26: 25In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me." 26For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes.