Tuesday, September 06, 2005



Yeah, so i changed settings without knowing what i was doing. It's ok, you can post now. Except for spam commentors... they don't make me smile much. Don't worry though, God loves you. Until you call his house with foolishness. Then his wrath becomes fury. I should know. My spam prayeres didn't get much response.

Today was a day of rest. A day of transition if you will. Tomorrow I start my new job. I think I'll like it. Today, I spent time at the church helping...well, trying to help organize the housing arrangements. I helped take a few matresses to a family who evacuated East New Orleans. And then I sat. Hey, I can call the 'seventh day' if I need it. '

Hey, i'll appreciate some prayers for tomorrow. I pray that tomorrow goes well and... well, that people like me :) I mean, not asking this in like in a self-depressive, low-egotistical kind of fashion. Just that, I don't have many friends since I am new to Houston and I could use more. A&E will be a good avenue for such things. God is good. I have faith things are working out.
Hey, this isn't fair, I want to pray for you too. You should leave prayer requests in the comment section. Just a thought.

I hope you have a blessed day today,


Blogger Jess said...

yay! this is my third attempted post.... and it works! :) heh. you're in my prayers... I hope you enjoy your new job and are blessed greatly. Shine Jesus to all your new co-workers!

10:32 PM  

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