Saturday, September 03, 2005

"Do you know of any Mercernaries?...

we might need them to get back in New Orleans."

Silly Mrs. Moisyev, mercernaries are for Russia! Mrs. Moisyev is an incredibly cute little russian woman, complete with accent and all. She is a regular guest who is the russian translator for the cosmonaut in the ISS. She lives in New Orleans and she has been desperatly looking for her parents whom she hasn't heard from since the Hurricane. She always carries this smiley, negotiable attitude when she comes to the front desk. Her head barely comes above the counter and her glasses magnify her piercing eyes as she looks up at me. She makes me smile... especially when she is weird... in a russian way.

Mom and I made to her house in LaPlace, LA and happy to report that the house has been saved. Ironically, there was litterally no visable damage. The only inconvenience out of the storm is that Mom's fortress gate drooped a little from it's hinges. (no, for real, it's a fortress gate complete with a big ole plank to secure the door).

We've been blessed. Everyday, the news from the southern gulf gets worse, especially New Orleans. We miraculously escaped damage from the hurricane. However, my hometown Chalmette is a different story. My friends houses lay under 15 feet of water. Some families are trapped in the attics, waiting for that magical sound of an axe breaking through the roof. The hearts and strength of the rescue workers are heroic. I ask God for His blessings on their efforts as well and the welfare of the refugees.

Sure, I wondered if God's intention was to strike down New Orleans. Although it's a convenient assumption, I have nothing to back up that claim. No, I'm for real. Gabriel is still yet to come and tell me such things. It's ok, I don't feel rejected. God's angels don't appear to me frequently. They probably have better things to do than settle my musings. However, if good ole Gabe were to come right now, I'll probably forget about New Orleans, thus nothing would get settled about that issue.

Hurricane Katrina actually opened great opportunities and windows in the southern states. Houses, cars, furniture, money, etc has been stripped away from almost 4.5 million people. The aftermath tested, strengthened, and built personal relationships. Thousands of people are rushing to the aid of strangers. After days of relentless silence, loved ones reunite with running hugs, sighs of relieve, and tears of joy. Friends rejoice with families who frantically greet relatives who were once thought to be dead. God had been pleaded to through thousands of prayers and meditations of the past few days. Hey, you should donate a little to the american red cross! You'll be helping out my friends in New Orleans. It'll be appreciated...

Because of our God who makes starting over possible,


Blogger Cherlynn said...


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